

程序 工商管理博士


FERC student worker shows a FERC research project deliverable.


The mission of the 经济系 在欧洲杯投注 is to foster knowledge through high quality research conducted by our faculty and to convey that knowledge to students through undergraduate and graduate 程序s. As such, the 经济系 strives to achieve excellence in research, teaching and service. 通过这样做, we aim to grow into an undergraduate economics 程序 that is unrivaled within the state of Wisconsin.


  1. 关于教学, we wish to provide our students with the skills and tools needed to enable them to be successful in their chosen careers. As such, we aim to create an academic experience that lays the foundation for their success. By providing quality education at both the undergraduate and graduate level, we hope to prepare them for advanced studies as well as other chosen careers.
  2. With regards to research, we wish to create an environment that
  3.  will enable our faculty to maintain an active and diverse research agenda. 通过这样做, we seek to attract and retain high quality faculty to the Department. 除了, we aim to allow faculty to lend their expertise to regional, 国家和国际利益, 和推广.
  4. 通过服务, 我们的目标是促进合作, 社区及外展服务, 来自大学内外. 通过这些关键渠道, we aim to advance the reputation of the Department and that of the 工商经济学院, 以及欧洲杯投注.


Economists investigate social questions and issues such as efficiency, 资源分配, 通货膨胀, 失业, 最优政策, 增长, 歧视, 污染与贫困, 等. 在调查这类问题时, an economist typically does many of the following activities:

  • 研究和分析问题和问题
  • 进行调查和收集数据
  • Analyze data using mathematical models and statistical techniques, 通常使用先进的计算技术
  • Prepare reports, tables and charts that present research results
  • 解释和预测市场趋势
  • Advise businesses, governments and individuals on market conditions
  • Design policies or make recommendations for solving economic problems


除了积极从事研究的教师, a large number of our students engage in research through the 财政经济研究中心本科生研究项目欧洲杯投注. Other students pursue undergraduate research projects through an independent study course for credit (ECON 498), 在教员的指导下工作.

欧洲杯投注 defeated Northwestern University and University of Chicago to compete in Fed Challenge national semifinals


欧洲杯投注 defeated Northwestern University 和 University of Chicago to compete in the Fed Challenge national semifinals

Student workers collect survey responses at an area grocery story for for a FERC research project.是什么让欧洲杯投注的经济学项目与众不同?


  Active student organizations provide opportunities for service, 专业发展, 以及会员和行业专业人士之间的互动.

 »  The college develops and retains high quality economics faculty who strive for excellence, 在他们的领域中是流行的吗, 做出学术贡献.   见开放的教师职位»


实习 »   The best way to gain relevant work experience and obtain career positions is through an internship. Each department in the college maintains information on internships specific to their degrees and majors. 实习也可以通过 财政经济研究中心. 对FERC机会感兴趣的学生请联系 Russ Kashian教授.


职业生涯的结果 »   经济学 majors have a 100 percent placement rate within six months of graduation.  It is a degree that teaches the economic principles and problem-solving techniques applicable in a variety of positions, 而且往往能找到高薪工作.


奖学金 »   在慷慨捐助者的支持下, the economics department offers numerous scholarship opportunities to students with a declared economics major.


学生发展 »   Experiential learning opportunities, including those available through the 财政经济研究中心, offer important hands-on experience for students while providing outeach services to members of the regional community.


部门电子邮件:  economics@awamiwebsite.com |电话:(262)472-1361